_____I bought my first tattoo machine in January 2021. I just got my tattoo artist’s license in November 2022. I need to build up my portfolio to attract clientele and improve my skills before I will feel comfortable charging full price.
_____It took many hours of study to get to where I am today. I worked in tattoo shops as a body piercer since I was a teenager. Even though I wasn’t an apprentice back then, I did learn how to run an autoclave, stencil copier, and solder needles onto bars with dental floss and razor blades to make magnums or seed beads for liners. I have never used those skills at all in recent years, because I now use rotary pen machines and pre-packaged cartridge needles.
_____I watched countless hours of videos, read books, magazines, bugged my tattoo artist friends with endless questions, invested money in equipment and supplies, finally got an apprenticeship and jobs as a Shop Manager and Shop Assistant, and waited weeks for my paperwork to be processed to get my Tattoo Artist’s License. But since I did not want to perform body art procedures without a license, I do not have enough practice nor portfolio examples on human skin.
_____Mostly black, black & grey, minimal (1 – 2) accent colors (red, green, turquoise, yellow, or blue). Anime, Manga, tribal, Indian (subcontinent), Abya Yalan (indigenous “Amerikkkan”), Asian, Mexican (Maya, Aztec); most of my smaller (less than 3 x 3 inches or 7.6 x 7.6 centimeters) black linework or black & grey original or traditional flash tattoo designs are available as free tattoos for a limited time (in December 2022 through January 2023).
_____Arms and legs preferred. Specifically:
_____Upper Arms: front, back, & outer sides. (No upper inner arms, near the armpit, if you are not a seasoned tattoo collector already).
_____Forearms: Outer forearms preferred. Be aware that the inner wrist, inner elbow “ditch,” and outer elbow are spicy for most people and not recommended for novices.
_____Thighs: front, back, & outer sides. (No inner thighs, near the groin).
_____Lower leg: shin, calf, & outer sides. Not recommended for Type I Diabetics & requires special tattoo preparation requirements that will be e-mailed before scheduling (i.e. wash your feet, wear clean socks, and bring an extra pair of clean socks to wear during your appointment. If you forget your extra socks, we may provide you with a pair for $5.00, if we have them in-stock.)
_____Ankles: can be spicy. Not recommended for novices & requires same appointment prep as any other lower leg tattoos.
_____No Zones: I am not offering free tattoos on the ribs, stomach, hands, feet, face, scalp, neck, chest, sternum, underboob, elbow, elbow ditch, armpit, knees, backs of knees, heels, achilles tendon, nor talus slope at this time.
I prefer to *not* do small tattoos on backs nor shoulders. Unless you already have a bunch of small tattoos, I encourage you to save your back and shoulders for a backpiece or larger work.
_____Some designs are available in full color for $50.00 – 100.00 extra.
This is a fee for the additional color and will not be refunded. Ask about it in your tattoo request e-mail or booking form.
_____A refundable deposit of $150.00 is required to schedule these tattoo appointments.
You can request a refund of $50.00 back when you allow me to finish the tattoo on you and take a photo of it, and $100.00 back when you either:
1) Send me via e-mail a high-resolution (at least 300 dots per inch at full size), well-lit, and in-focus photo of your healed and moisturized tattoo 4 – 6 weeks after your final appointment, or
2) Allow me to take my own high-resolution, well-lit, and in-focus photo of your healed and moisturized tattoo 4 – 6 weeks after your final appointment.
_____I still have to pay rent (in addition to supplies, equipment, and transportation) to do these beginner tattoos (whether you show up on time for your appointment or not) and I have found that when you offer anything without a monetary pricetag, people will tend to take advantage or take it for granted and waste your time and work.
I plan to start charging $100/hour in 2023 and raise my rates as my skills improve, so please keep that in mind when making your requests and showing up for your appointments on time.
_____Thank you for taking the time to read all of this and for your time and trust in co-creating your next body art masterpiece with me. It’s an honor to get to tattoo you.
_____Please see these webpages:
Available Free Tattoo Art Gallery
How to Book (a Tattoo Request)
and e-mail me with any questions at ciaoximenazhao @ gmail dot com